Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bleh XP

so i was absent tuesday unfortunately. I'm rather sensetive to sudden weather changes so the recent fluctuation had me sick enough that I had to miss class (that and i didn't want to share germs if i had the flu)

So I read some exodus, the king james version with etext. I gotta say, the pharoh is a really dim guy. The way i understood it was he has a group that he's using for hard labor, and wants to kill off all males of the slave group. Honestly I always thought it was the first male born that was killed and after that it was alright. It almost makes sense, it gets numbers down and it's a bit kick for family lines, but no, apparently this was a pharoh with no contingency plan whatsoever. Kill now, find a new work force later.

I want to say he's stupid for needing so many plagues to get the point, but in a way, it's almost like modern thinking. Now adays when we see something miraculous, scientists try to replicate it, and normally they do. So it turns out it isn't mystical, it's science. yay. Well pharoh does the same thing in a way. Moses throws down his staff and the whole snake bit happens, the magicians replicate it. It's not amazing if it happens twice. Granted moses' snake pwned the other snake. I'm sure it's a metaphor for god's power and dominion or something, but still it's nearly like the modern era thinking
I wonder how many believers out there see something interesting as a miracle, when science has repeated and explained it. How many think it's all just a trick.

I had a friend that was joining the mormon church and often attended bible study on a weekly basis. I was curious about it, and like to be informed about religions and so I followed along to observe. There was something that bothered me about it, but for the longest time I couldn't put my finger on it, at least not until someone said what I had been thinking. You, or they really, needed to push aside logic for faith. It's a concept that I personally can't live by, but it's interesting to see it now in terms of the pharoh. Imagine if he just had faith in the power moses had, instead of trying to seek explanation and hardening his heart, he would have been saved a lot of trouble, but the story would have been rather boring.

another thing I noticed in my sickness. The bible is a lot more fun to read when you imagine the pharoh as darth vader >.> stew on that one for a while

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