Monday, October 19, 2009

perfect day/ worst day

I suck at blogging. >:{
Anyway i felt I should describe my perfect day and the worst day of my life.

First the perfect one. It started with being able to sleep in. this may not sound amazing, so i should explain. I was stayingg with my family on a break. they have a tendency of going to bed before i do and waking before I do. Whenever i try to sleep in something happens. the dog escapes the yard, someone needs something from the room, they wake me up to ask innane questions, something is always there to wake me, except this time. I woke late and then went to visit my boyfriend where we spent a leisurely day watching firefly, gilmore girls, and other dvds. We made dinner, and just chilled. It is a fantastic feeling to do absolutely nothing after so many classes and so many midterms and papers and such. That night we discovered there was a meteor shower, and on a whim we drove off to pete's hill, hiking the hill in the dark (it was on a whim and we forgot flashlights) and we sat on a fence to watch the stars fall.

Now for my worst day. It started with being woken up early (funny how that happens) in order to start chores, because it was saturday and my mother is a morning person, so when she cleans, we all clean XP. After the chores were done my parents went for a drive. I went to do pressing homework so I could watch the movie we rented for later. I started to get a stomach ache and went to lay down, but it didn't go away. it turned into a burning stabbing pain in my stomach. it only grew worse and I had to go to the emergency room. Stomach pain wasn't particularly high on their list so i waited a few hours. When they finally got to testing i wasn't much happier. I had to move around, and do things, and getting very few answers. to top that off they were testing for appendicitis...if you have ever had a test where they inject dye into your intestines they you will understand when I say this was the most painful experience of my life. If you haven't...take my word for it, it hurts. It hurt enough that the tech felt no reason to sugar coat. He simply told me is was excrutiatingly Well that was done, and they decided I needed emergency surgery. Well now I was hungry, getting surgery the first time ever, in horrible pain, and didn't get to see the movie (weekend rental). Also it was the day before valentine's this is important info for later. I got the surgery, turns out that I was internally bleeding, so I was enemic for a while afterwards, and like i said it was valentines, and i missed school the day a guy that had had a crush on me for a while brought roses. Sigh. I'm glad it's over now...

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